Android Pentesting

How safe is your network ? Few points for Self-Analysis

Android Pentesting
  • Every 39 seconds there is a cyber attack
  • About 43% of cyber attacks target small business
  • Most companies take nearly 6 months to detect a data breach, even major ones
  • On average, only 5% of companies’ folders are properly protected.
  • Data breaches exposed 36 billion records in the first half of 2020.
  • 86% of breaches were financially motivated and 10% were motivated by espionage.
  • 4 million files are stolen every day – that’s 44 every single second
    Around 95% of cloud security failures are predicted to be the customer’s fault


The number of people who use mobile devices daily has expanded dramatically. With smartphones stretching to more than half of the world, mobile apps have become an indispensable tool in our everyday lives. Smartphones and mobile applications are used for both business and personal purposes. As a result, app developers must pay close attention to the security of the data that mobile apps have access to.


You can identify security weaknesses that could lead to data breaches by ordering Android penetration testing for your app. As a result, doing a pentest on your Android apps can help you avoid the reputational and financial harm that could arise from criminal actors successfully exploiting your vulnerabilities. Penetration testing for Android apps can also reveal flaws in your app that can negatively impact user experience. As a result of passing Android pentesting, you’ll be able to uncover ways to provide a high level of security for your consumers while also making security verification procedures easier.

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Our Benefits

Our team of researchers has extensive expertise working with Android applications and has proven to be industry leaders in Android pentesting.

Client-centered approach: when performing Android app pentests, we attempt to minimize causing any inconvenience to your consumers while ensuring the highest quality and breadth of testing services given;

Deep knowledge of data breach techniques: Hacken’s primary operations are on preventing data breach security events. We understand how hackers gain access to victims’ data, but we also understand how to eliminate them by completing Android penetration testing for our clients.

Apart from passing Android app penetration testing, you can also apply to conduct bug bounty programs on our professional platform, which invites independent researchers to work on finding your vulnerabilities.


Contact Us

Please contact us via phone or email with your requests.


Determine what needs to be tested and how to go about it.


We attack your applications to find flaws.


All of the results and solutions will be presented.

Why our approach is the best for you

Our internal penetration test is based on PTES, NIST, and OWASP standards, and our security engineers are experienced and certified.